My buddies at work bought me lunch today. They informed me that they ordered one of each entree at PF Changs as well as a fine assortment of pies from Marie Calendars.
It's okay, I'll understand if you drool a little. Go ahead.
are you for reals, that makes me want to catch a flight to Vegas!
Did you get to bring leftovers home to the wife? If not, this post is just mean. :)
There isn't a fridge so I just brought home pies. Shayla went to Café Rio without me to get even. (However she did bring me Neilsens so...)
are you for reals, that makes me want to catch a flight to Vegas!
ReplyDeleteDid you get to bring leftovers home to the wife? If not, this post is just mean. :)
ReplyDeleteThere isn't a fridge so I just brought home pies. Shayla went to Café Rio without me to get even. (However she did bring me Neilsens so...)