Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i love fall

Every morning when I leave for work I take a large whiff of the brisk autumn air. It is delicious! But wait, it isn't fall yet. Well here in Washington it has felt like fall ever since I got here back in June. It's absolutely marvelous. Each time I breathe that cool autumnesque air it reminds me of one of my greatest childhood memories...

When I was a kid back in the early 90's I was in love with video games. The Super Nintendo was the latest and greatest shiznat back then and I wanted it BADLY! I was out of school from Thanksgiving until after New Years (it was the best) and so I would beg my mom to take me to Target so that I could sit and play their demo SNES for hours and hours. I'd sit there and play Super Mario World and lust after the thing. It was awesome.

That same air that I breathed in those 20+ years ago is the same air I breathe in each morning before work and it makes me giddy inside. Thank you mom. Thank you Mario.


  1. You and I did very different things with our track breaks, I remember going to the library and checking out all the baby-sitter books I could find and reading for hours. Such a nerd.

  2. I don't remember either of those things, oops maybe that was because I was busy shopping while you were playing those games, and I am pretty sure you owned practically every Babysitter's Club Book, by the time you were done KT!
