Saturday, January 29, 2011

our room, thanks to the wife

The Wife finally finished our room today and it looks AMAZING!! Here, judge for yourself:

The bed.

Wall hangings.

My bird.

The other wall.

The Wife's bird.

The clock.

kinected for good

Today Big Son and I finally opened the XBox and Kinect. This is the result:

We were playing a game where we were on a raft and had to jump around. You wouldn't know from these pictures, but the games are SUPER fun and quite amazing. My legs are feeling it too (but that's not saying much).

Friday, January 28, 2011 i guess old women find me attractive?

So the other day I had to take a co-worker's iPhone to the Apple Store. This is usually a task I enjoy. I get to look and touch sweet looking computers so I never really complain. The only bad thing is that sometimes I'll be helped by a dude with a bad attitude and it won't go so well. When I'm lucky though I get a female and they are ALWAYS super nice (that's how I got my free iPad that one time).

Anyway, on this specific occasion I had a 2pm appointment but arrived about 15 minutes early. I brought my office assistant along with me just to keep me company since the Apple Store is a little ways away. So we walked in and an Apple Store employee came up and checked me in (that's how they do it there) and told me to feel free to play around with the products until it was my turn to be helped.

Now, I have been to the Apple Store quite a bit in my life and know how it works. When they check me in they type in a quick description about me in order to expedite the process of finding and taking care of me. (I needed to throw this in here so that you know how it works.)

So I'm sitting there admiring a 17" Macbook Pro--that I can envision myself owning in the next 20 years sometime--when this older lady employee walks up to me (she's probably 60-ish). She asks me if I need any help with anything. I tell her that I have been taken care of and that she was actually the 4th employee to ask me that.

The rest of the conversation went as follows:

Me: "Yes. Thank you. I've already been checked in." 
Her: "Did you know that you can check in on your iPhone?"
Me: "No, really?" 
Her: "Yes! That way we don't have to check you in and type in 'tall, dark, handsome, with ladybug shirt' into our devices." 
Office Assistant (from a distance): **giggles** 
Me: "Sweet." 
Her (rubbing my back): "Let me show you how it's done." 
Office Assistant (on the floor... almost): **rofls** 
Me (clenching my teeths): "Ooooo-kay." 
Dude Apple Employee (to me): "Do you have a 2 o'clock appointment?" 
Me: "YES!!"

The older lady then told me that she would find me after I was done talking to the dude (she didn't).

So there are a few things to get out of this story. First of all, my office assistant is messed up. Second of all, old ladies shouldn't rub me. And lastly of all (and most important), A LADYBUG SHIRT?! WHAT. THE. HECK! Below is an actual picture of the shirt I was wearing (which The Wife purchased for me via The Woot)...

THAT is NOT a ladybug. That is a Piranha Plant that has just eaten Mario, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Psh, a ladybug? Gross.

(I am pretty tall, dark, and handsome though, aren't I?)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

big son's birthday party and a sweet pic of little son

So ever since Big Son's very first birthday, The Wife has been piecing together some pretty sweet shindigs! Big Son has had a summer themed party, a monkey party, and a Batman party while Little Son has had a Halloween and astronaut party. They are always amazing and The Wife always puts like 40 hours into getting everything just right. It's pretty nuts, but the kids LOVE them! (I think it's pretty swell as well).

This year Big Son had a Charlie Brown themed party. I hear you. (For those who missed it: everyone just made surprised faces and asked How the heck does a four year old know who Charlie Brown is when I've barely heard of him myself?!) Yeah, it's okay, I've answered the question quite a few times the last couple of days; I'll answer it again... You see, during Christmas I needed the boys to settle down before one of our many Christmas get-togethers, So I decided to turn to the Hulu for a quick help aide. Lucky for me the Hulu was featuring A Charlie Brown Christmas, so I turned that on. Big and Little Sons loved it! They actually asked to watch it a couple times after that. 

(Paragraph break.) So later on--like after Christmas--The Wife was talking to Big Son about what kind of birthday he wanted to have. He was pretty adamant on having a pineapple themed birthday (I have NO clue). Funnily enough, a couple days later The Wife offered him some Hawaiian style pizza and he told us that he doesn't even like pineapples! So that idea was out. So he change-ed his mind to a maps party and then a Disneyland party (with churros). That idea stuck for a little bit...

Finally, though, Big Son found a book rendition of A Charlie Brown Christmas that The Wife had purchased during one of her post Christmas sale event harvests. He fell in love with the book and read it over and over again. He learned all the characters' names and what not, so in the end he had a Charlie Brown birthday. Voila.

Okay. Okay. Now to the reason you are even here.

The pictures:

Sweet handmade invitations that The Wife pieced together.

An awesome pic of Little Son.

The presentation.

Little Son, Me, Charlie Bigson w/ awesome shirt.

Big Son opening gifts.

Little Son playing with Big Son's gifts.

Big Son blowing out the candle. *Poof*

new doo

Last week The Wife made me cut my hair before church because I was assigned to pass the sacrament (we don't have any young men in our ward). Here are some pretty nasty shots:

Pretty gross, huh? Of course even if The Wife would have left my hair just like that and walked away, I still think I would have preferred that to my brother-in-law's new doo:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

big son's 4th birthday

big son
born: 21 jan 2007

I'd be lying if I told everyone I was surprised my oldest son was turning 4 years old today. I always tend to forget he's that YOUNG! I mean he reads, he can name and locate all 50 states, he knows more about the solar system than I do, he performs Google searches on his free time, and he even corrects my spelling sometimes... I think about Big Son and ask myself, how can this kid be only four years old?!

Then he runs in waving his underwear in the air asking me to help him put them on. And I remember.

Happy birthday Big Son! This year will be the year of the remounting of the underpants--I know you can do it son. I know you can. 

breakfast every morning

Every morning I wake up and walk into the kitchen and put something similar to this into the blender:

Then Big Son and Little Son take turns pressing the "Smoothie" button until it looks like this:

But don't let that color fool you because honestly it tastes like this:

This morning's creation consisted of: 100% white grape juice, large handful of spinach, one whole granny smith apple, and some frozen "smoothie" fruit (purchased at the Costco).

Slurp! Slurp!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

little son's prayer tonight...

So Little Son is a little too little to say his own prayers still (though he does a decent job). In order to help him learn The Wife and I have him fill in the blanks. For example I will say "We are thankful for..." and he will say "this day". Well this is how tonight's prayer went...

Me: "Dear..."

Little Son: "Heavenly Father,"

Me: "We're thankful for..."

Little Son: "Luke and Logan come over."

Me: "and we're thankful for..."

Little Son: "blessings."

Me: "Please bless us to..."

Little Son: "be HAPPY!"

Me: "Bless us to sleep well."

Little Son: "Sleep well."

Me: "In the name of..."

Little Son: "Jesus PRICE! Amen."

After the prayer The Wife asked me, "Did he say he was thankful for Luke and Logan?" I wondered so I asked Little Son, "Are you thankful for Luke and Logan?" and he responded with: "LUKE AND LOGAN ARE COMING TO TOWWWWN!!"

Also yesterday I asked Little Son who his nursery teacher was and he replied, "Ummmm... Ummmm... Ummmm... Jesus."

That crazy Little Son.

meet kandibot, my candy dispensing robot

This is Kandibot. He gives me candy when I stick my hand below his mouth. He used to be full and now he is almost empty. Now I am full.

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

chat with big son today...

Out of nowhere I received a text message GTalk message from The Wife...
The Wife: i like rides

Me: Big Son?

The Wife: yes

Me: are you being naughty?

Big Son as The Wife: no

Me: what are you doing?

Big Son as The Wife: i helpeng [insert clever rendition of The Wife's name here]

Me: you better call her mom. what are you helping her with?

Big Son as The Wife: her latop

Me: are you fixing it?

Big Son as The Wife: no

Me: what are you doing then?

Big Son as The Wife: i em toking to you dad
Simply amazing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

big son's prayers

Big Son has gotten to the stage where he offers to say the prayer at every occasion he gets. A typical Big Son prayer goes like this:

"We're thankful for this day. We're thankful for our blessings. Thankful we like lots of stuff and we get to go on rides and California Adventure and at Disneyland. Help everyone not to be rude. Help us be happy."


Now don't worry, he changes it up a little too! When he blesses the food he adds "bless the food".

(PS Sorry about the picture, it was the closest thing I had to Big Son kneeling down. What? You think I'm gonna get up during a prayer, grab the camera, and snap a shot? Did I mention he spouts off these things lightning fast??)

happy 29th to me

The Wife threw me an awesome Lego themed party this year (check out that AWESOME cake!). We had an awesome time with family attendees, ate delicious tacos and tot casserole, and I received Legos (imagination THAT!) and a sweet Seinfeld game. We spent some time reflecting on all my life achievements and memories. It was definitely a special evening centered on a special soul. (Wow.)

The Wife and I also enjoyed a delicious meal later in the week with my dad and step mom. Yummay.

The set-up.

The cake.

X-wing, meet Target dog.

Party favors.

I thought this was my present, but it was a prize for a game.

This book is AMAZING.

Next up is Big Son's birthday (this week!). He's having a Charlie Brown birthday party. It will be awesome!

Christmas 2010

For your viewing enjoyment:

Santa loves cookies + egg nog.

Santa's gift to The Wife and I.

Big and Little Sons' creation.

Big Son got the globe. Little Son got the kitchen.

The other tree.

Big Son and Little Son, exiting.

Their response.

Diving into the socks.

Big Son.

Little Son.

"I'm ready for more presents guys."


Best buddies.

Best buddies + mean fish.

My new frames.