Wednesday, January 19, 2011

little son's prayer tonight...

So Little Son is a little too little to say his own prayers still (though he does a decent job). In order to help him learn The Wife and I have him fill in the blanks. For example I will say "We are thankful for..." and he will say "this day". Well this is how tonight's prayer went...

Me: "Dear..."

Little Son: "Heavenly Father,"

Me: "We're thankful for..."

Little Son: "Luke and Logan come over."

Me: "and we're thankful for..."

Little Son: "blessings."

Me: "Please bless us to..."

Little Son: "be HAPPY!"

Me: "Bless us to sleep well."

Little Son: "Sleep well."

Me: "In the name of..."

Little Son: "Jesus PRICE! Amen."

After the prayer The Wife asked me, "Did he say he was thankful for Luke and Logan?" I wondered so I asked Little Son, "Are you thankful for Luke and Logan?" and he responded with: "LUKE AND LOGAN ARE COMING TO TOWWWWN!!"

Also yesterday I asked Little Son who his nursery teacher was and he replied, "Ummmm... Ummmm... Ummmm... Jesus."

That crazy Little Son.

1 comment:

  1. He is awesome, Oma LOVES litte son, he's got a real crazy side to him that just makes you smile
